Thursday, August 9, 2012

Who's Who: Vinar Amrutia

Vinar Amrutia is a second year graduate student from India studying Computer and Information Sciences. He completed his undergraduate degree in Electronics Engineering from Mumbai University. His interests lie in computer networks and application development, and he is glad to attend the University of Delaware where he finds himself surrounded by inspiring professors and a large team of students with similar interests.


Vinar's role in the lab is to do whatever it takes to better CSHEL in terms of its hardware, software, and infrastructure. He also helps with the research work of Art and his graduate students by assisting with any necessary application or software requirements. For example, Justin's master's thesis involved determining the number and size of scallops in over twenty thousand images taken by an AUV. Undoubtedly, this process could not be completed by hand. Vinar developed an application to count and size the scallops, which dramatically eased the task. This application can also be applied to the sizing and counting of any substrate in the future.


Additionally, Vinar manages the massive data sets that Art and his team collect from various AUV missions. When dealing with such large amounts of information, it is important to effectively create a system to organize and back up the data. With only three courses left to take in his master's track, he is learning new application development tools, languages, and computer networking skills to make the work of the end users as easy as possible. 

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